04 junho, 2009

Phone call drama...

– Don’t fall in love, she says – he muttered as soon as she hanged up. – Like that’s easy to do and something I can control.

He kept talking to himself, over and over again, about the same conversation, just until he was under the shower, when the almost cold water washed away every thought from his head for a few minutes.

– If she is that sick of my problems – he said when the thoughts came back to him while he was drying himself. – I’ll just have to keep them from her. She’s not the only person I can talk to! And then, when she realizes that’s something wrong with me and says that she’s there if I need to talk I’ll just tell her to fuck of.

Back in his room he turned his laptop on and then double clicked on the Windows Media Player icon. The music soon filled the room. “Out From Under” by Britney Spears. With his back against the wall he slid down until he was sit on the floor. Tears started flowing down his face as he grabbed his knees in a protective way. With his forehead pressed against his knees, he finally managed to fall asleep, just to wake up to another day…Another fucking day, in his pathetic life, with all this fucking people, and damned responsibilities. Full of all the things he didn’t care about, but without the one thing he desires the most.

“Maybe tomorrow will be better” was his last thought before he entered the land of dreams.

Sleep tight foolish boy…

1 comentários:

Minna disse...

Gosto de ti...

E a verificação de palavras é "twins". Acho que é um sinal. Não tens os Sandstorm Twins algures para aí, pois não?

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