22 outubro, 2011

it's all about you

Rushing against time

Hiding from my biggest fear,
I couldn't find a way out
Sometimes I just wanted to desapear.
But then you came and changed my idea
The world came alive
Everytime you were near.
I faced my fears, turned my back to the past
It was so surreal
How someone could hit me so fast.

But you did it and I can't thank you enough,
You reminded me I can be strong and tough
And I promise you
From the bottom of my heart,
No matter what happens I'll be here
Just like I've been since the very start.
I found you now, I don't want to lose you.
You're a good friend,
And I know I can trust you.

If this turns into something more I'll be glad
If it doesn't I'll try not to be sad
And I just hope you become
One of the greatest friends I've ever had!

19 outubro, 2011

your first appearance...

Apesar de não ver por onde ia conseguia ouvir o barulho da multidão e o brilho das luzes estava também mais perto. Ao contornar uma das últimas casas antes da rua principal algo veio contra mim deitando-me ao chão. Durante alguns segundos paralisei sem saber o que tinha acontecido. Ergui o olhar e reparei que estava alguém tombado à minha frente e, entre nós, uma pilha de livros espalhados. Quem me tinha derrubado apressou-se a levantar, pegando em seguida no meu braço para me ajudar no mesmo processo.

– Peço desculpa. Estás bem? – perguntou num tom preocupado mas quase melodioso.

– Sim, sim… – a forma rude como falara e sacudia a minha roupa fez o rapaz que se encontrava à minha frente afastar-se.

Baixou-se para pegar nos livros que deixara cair e eu fiz o mesmo para pegar o meu caderno. O meu olhar cruzou-se com o dele enquanto ambos alcançámos o mesmo objecto. O seu olhar, num tom avelã, era gentil e o seu toque suave. A barba que lhe emoldurava o rosto conferia-lhe um ar atraente e o seu cabelo, num tom um pouco mais claro que o meu, estava completamente desalinhado devido à queda e a franja caía-lhe para a frente do rosto. Um segundo passou até ambos nos apercebermos que ele segurava a minha mão em vez do caderno visto que eu tinha sido mais rápido. Baixou o olhar rapidamente e afastou a mão pegando nos restantes livros e cadernos, mas não antes de me aperceber de como perfeitas eram as suas mãos. – Desculpa – pediu uma vez mais. – Com tanta coisa nas mãos nem vi para onde ia.

– Eu é que peço desculpa. Ia tão empenhado na leitura que nem vi onde punha os pés.

Levantámo-nos ao mesmo tempo e ele tentou equilibrar todos os livros e cadernos nos braços.

– Bem, mais uma vez desculpa – disse começando a afastar-se.

– Sem problemas – respondi com um sorriso.

16 outubro, 2011


I have a secret!

It's true, I do.
I have a secret!
No one else knows but you.
I have a secret!
A secret I can't tell
I have a secret!
And I'll drag it to hell.

Everybody has secrets,
This is just one more in my life
I'd like to repeat it
Then I'd hide the same secret twice.

I wont tell a soul,
And i know you'll hide it too
This isn't a secret to tell the world
This is something we'll keep for us two

15 outubro, 2011



I can't understand.
I can't figure this out.
Does your voice have to be so strong
Do I believe I can shut you up sometimes.

Everytime single time I say to myself
"This time is gonna be diferent"
"I'll shut your voice and be rational"
But I always fall in the same trap.
I let your voice guide me,
And you keep leading me down this dangerous path
Where I can end up more hurt than I was in the beginning.
Why can't I live in the moment?
Why can't I be patient and let time do its magic?
Am I this much afraid of being alone?
I don't know nothing anymore...

How can I stop you?
How can I turn you into the cold stone you once were?
How can I be like i was in ancient times?
The one that didn't care,
The one that didn't listen
The cold son of a bitch that made everybody love him.
When he didn't love anybody....

I can't understand
I can't figure this out

14 outubro, 2011

És tu,
Apenas tu!
A incerteza que inflama a minha certeza
A paranoia na minha sanidade
O veneno no ar que ainda respiro.

Sou eu,
Apenas eu!
A tua eterna dúvida
A pedra ainda existente no teu sapato
Aquele que largaste mas no teu intimo
Desejas ainda ter.

É meu,
Apenas meu!
O momento de sorrir
De caminhar em frente de cabeça erguida
De sair vencedor desta luta intensa.

Voltarei a amar...nada está perdido.
Voltarei a senti...o meu coração ainda vive.
E subirei mais alto do que algum homem já foi
Simplesmente para alcançar a felicidade que mereço.

Distance's a Bitch

How many times in you life

have you had things out of reach
Just an inch from your fingers
That seemed just like a dream?

How many times did you have things you desired
Just underneath your fingers,
That you just couldn't quite touch
and you can never seem to make it yours?

Distance is a bitch!
It keeps you away from what you want
It keeps the best of life for itself
And you just have to endure it
Be strong and be wise
And try to deceive her
Just so you can grab on to your dreams.

But some times can be so hard
(Damn you distance)
Sometimes you just have to face the dificulties
(Damn you distance)
And just be patiente and wait
(Damn you distance)
Cuz when you least expect it, it will be gone
(You're still a bitch...)

Our Song

I had you just for a little while,

You showed me things I never dreamt of

And I hope that anywhere you are

You can hear me singing this song.

‘Cause this song was made for you,

And it comes right from my heart.

Death is a price too high to pay

And I don’t want to leave you behind.

This is our song,

A song for eternity.

I know that I reached my goal,

But I wanted you here with me,

‘Cause I owe all this to you.

But destiny is far too cruel,

And this path is far too long,

But maybe I can reach you with this song…

Our song.

I thought I would be alone,

But then I remembered your last words.

You will always be here with me,

And until I meet you again someday

To be with you for all eternity,

I have to keep living,

And I have to keep dreaming,

For you, just keep listening…

To our song.

This is our song,

A song for eternity.

I know that I reached my goal,

But I wanted you here with me,

‘Cause I owe all this to you.

But destiny is far too cruel,

And this path is far too long,

But maybe I can reach you with this song…

Our song.

I have to keep living…dreaming

You just keep listening to our song

Until the end!

This is our song,

A song for eternity.

I know that I reached my goal,

But I wanted you here with me,

‘Cause I owe all this to you.

But destiny is far too cruel,

And this path is far too long,

But maybe I can reach you with this song…

Our song…our song.

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