He died and he was alone but, right there in the bottom, he felt, somehow, relieved. He always had the amazing ability to push away everyone he ever loved and those who loved him back.
As his soul rises in the dark night he looks around. They are all there, dressed in black and looking emotionless to his corpse on the ground. He smiles. They all look so happy! Not because his dead, seing a dead person affects even someone who doesn't know the person, they are happy because they moved on with their lives without him getting in the way.
He looks to those well known faces of his and then to the new faces, the ones that came after he left. Some as old as him, others younger. He didn't feel sorry, he was happy for them, they achieved something he never could, because all he ever did was push people away.
He looks at his dead body. He doesn't even recognise himself. Time and his actions killed his outter look...his inner look was ruined way before that.
Rain starts pooring. That was the only thing left to make the scene even more dramatic. One by one they start leaving and, between all the rain drops he can swear he sees some tears.
- Did they still care about me after all I did? - He asked to himself.
But it was too late, he couldn't go back.
As his soul rises in the dark night he looks around. They are all there, dressed in black and looking emotionless to his corpse on the ground. He smiles. They all look so happy! Not because his dead, seing a dead person affects even someone who doesn't know the person, they are happy because they moved on with their lives without him getting in the way.
He looks to those well known faces of his and then to the new faces, the ones that came after he left. Some as old as him, others younger. He didn't feel sorry, he was happy for them, they achieved something he never could, because all he ever did was push people away.
He looks at his dead body. He doesn't even recognise himself. Time and his actions killed his outter look...his inner look was ruined way before that.
Rain starts pooring. That was the only thing left to make the scene even more dramatic. One by one they start leaving and, between all the rain drops he can swear he sees some tears.
- Did they still care about me after all I did? - He asked to himself.
But it was too late, he couldn't go back.